Liv and Lov

Birthday Resolutions/ Leaving for South East Asia!

August 28, 2015

Around my birthday I tend to get reflective. I look at that as a start to a new year, rather than the calendar's. And it is also Liv & Lov's official birthday! So here is my resolution. It's a big one as this one is 27. And 27 has been one of my favorite numbers since I can remember. So obviously it will have to be the best ;). It will be a year of risk for Liv & Lov (for without it there is no reward) and making opportunities. Taking those trips, smelling those roses and NO excuses. So here I am about to depart to South East Asia & working towards living the lifestyle to Liv & Lov!

As above design and quality craftsmanship, Liv & Lov is about a lifestyle. Living your life to the fullest while doing good. We never know how much time we have and no matter what it is always too short to waste it because of insecurities or fear. Liv is an ode to: Confidence in the midst of self doubt & Courage in the midst of fear.

Because honestly the only person that determines your strength is you. As I strive to follow this myself, I look forward to sharing that journey with you this year and hope that reminder will help you in living your life to the fullest & achieving your goals too!

Liv & Lov always!



Shots- Check! Bags packed and ready for Asia!

Early Spring Photo Shoot

A few of my favorite images from the latest mini Liv & Lov photoshoot by Maria Scaglione.

The late winter/ early spring colors at this hidden RI spot were perfect! As you know, Liv & Lov's colors are yellow and blue (sometimes green too ;) and Maria Scaglione Photography caught the feel I wanted, "A Waking Dream". Capturing those colors perfectly with the beautiful Rhode Island coast line behind! Can't wait to shoot more here! 

What do you think?

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

Welcome to the NEW Website!

Welcome everyone to Liv & Lov's NEW website! I'm excited to share my work with you in a sleeker, more user friendly space!

The store is beginning with ONE piece that will help support my trip to source silver directly from a locally owned mining cooperative in Peru. The simple silver ring will be made from the first shipment of silver and is also available with a black, oxidized finish (or do both and stack!).  Orders will be taken now and delivered when I return! Available for ONLY $24! HERE

If you'd like to see other pieces also available for purchase, check out my Etsy site: